Dave Nichols Saddle & Sirloin Portrait
Formed in 1903, the Saddle and Sirloin Gallery is a collection of more than 350 portraits of distinguished livestock industry leaders. Only one person among all species of livestock is honored each year.
This year, Corinne Fetter, executive director of expositions for the Kentucky State Fair Board, has announced that the Saddle and Sirloin Portrait Gallery inductee is Dave Nichols of Bridgewater, Iowa.
Because of his national and international achievements and leadership in the beef cattle industry, Nichols is a deserving recipient of this supreme honor. He was a pioneer in beef cattle performance measures, as he adapted new technologies into his family's purebred herds and championed the practices while serving on state and national association boards.
Across the board, Dave Nichols is held in high regard by beef cattle producers, educators and researchers.
The 2015 induction ceremony is scheduled for 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 15 in the South Wing Conference Center at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center, held in conjunction with the 42nd North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE).
Information on accommodations and how to purchase tickets
How you can help us honor Dave with your charitable financial support
Your support will be appreciated by the Dave Nichols Saddle and Sirloin Club Portrait Committee, Angus Foundation and American Simmental Association in our efforts to coordinate this exciting project on Dave Nichols' behalf.

Dave has always been on the "front line" discussion about how to improve the genetic potential for his passion in life - genetically improved beef cattle. Perhaps influenced by his observations of dramatic increases in corn yields in his native Iowa over the years, Dave has lead the charge in the evaluation for ever-evolving methodologies for beef cattle genetic improvement through the years.
Ron Bolze
Former Beef Improvement Federation, Executive Secretary
Dave's presence in the U.S. Beef industry has been felt by many. A strong advocate of the beef industry, performance and science, and just plain old 'common sense', Dave's knowledge, spirit and drive have influenced beef enthusiasts, both young and old, throughout the globe.
Brian House
Beef Program Manager
Select Sires, Inc.
In 2010 the NCBA recognized Nichols Farms as the third largest seed stock producer in the United States. Dave Nichols bred the famous Nichols Performa D162. One of the dominant Angus sires in the world. A bull that has sired four Supreme Champion Angus Bulls and one Grand Champion Heifer at the world's largest livestock show held in Palermo, Argentina, South America.
Tom Burke
American Angus Hall of Fame
I served for six years with Dave on the American Simmental Association Board of Trustees. I have never met a person more sincere and excited about the mission set forth for us to accomplish. He is/was a pioneer, thought provoking, forward thinking individual. He always had ideas for solutions or change to improve the genetics of the breed, positioning of the breed, marketing of the breed and so on.
Don Clanton, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
University of Nebraska
Dave Nichols fits the mold perfectly for this top industry award. He is one of a kind and, combines his great talents and wonderful people skills to be indeed special in the following ways ...Leader ...Visionary ...Innovator ...Educator ...Breeder.
A.L. (Ike) Eller, Jr.
It follows that Dave has been a strong supporter of industry organizations, land-grant universities, research scientists, and any local or national extension activities that can make a difference to the beef industry. For such activities, he was rightfully recognized by BEEF magazine as one of the top 50 leaders in the industry.
Dorian Garrick
Lush Chair in Animal Breeding & Genetics
Iowa State University
Exec. Director, Natl. Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium
Dave Nichols is a pioneer in the art and science of beef cattle breeding and genetics.
Kenneth Geuns
Faculty Emeritus
Dept. of Animal Science
Michigan State University
There are many, many people across the United States, and worldwide for that matter, who have been touched and helped by Dave Nichols. Being recognized by the Saddle & Sirloin is an award that is very important to our industry and Dave Nichols portrait deserves to be among the elite that are hanging in the Saddle & Sirloin Club.
Patrick K. Goggins
Western Livestock Report
The Nichols Farms brand is well known for quality, backed by sound science, data, and the best in animal husbandry, and has been a major supplier of germ plasm for the beef industry for decades. Dave was one of the early adopters (and multipliers) of the value of performance data on large scale and has been relentless in serving the industry to continually improve on the technologies of beef cattle genetic evaluation. He continues to provide leadership to the current day, most recently in the incorporation of genomic information into national genetic evaluation programs. He is a highly respected voice and has been a champion of innovation for the industry, even when the path was not easy.
Ronnie d. Green, Ph.D.
Vice President
Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Nebraska
As a friend, Dave has treated me like a friend should. Dave and I have attended many events over the years and we have had some great times traveling and meeting new people. Because of Dave, I have met many influential people in our industry. Dave never introduced me as an employee but as a friend and a Nichols Team Player. So I heartily recommend you add my mentor, employer, and friend J. David Nichols to the Saddle and Sirloin Club.
Ross Havens
Marketing Coordinator
Nichols Farms
Dave's influence on America's cattle industry cannot be overestimated. Dave and Nichols Farms have made a tremendous contribution to genetic improvement of beef cattle that has set a high standard for others to follow.
Greg Henderson
Editorial Director
Beef Today
Farm Journal Media
Mr. Nichols has successfully led thousands of international visitors and meat buyers through his farm and cattle operation in Bridgewater, Iowa. From an international perspective, Dave has been a tremendous advocate for U.S. beef exports.
John Hinners
Assistant Vice President, Industry Relations
U.S. Meat Export Federation
He does not merely support new advancing technology, he becomes a leader in anything that will greater advance the improvement of the beef cattle industry.
Gordon A. Hodges
Pineview Farms
His innovativeness and vision is highly respected throughout the beef industry and has earned him the title of the "E. F. Hutton of the Beef Industry." When Dave talks, everyone listens to what he has to say.
Maynard Hogberg
Professor and Chair
Department of Animal Science
Iowa State University
Dave has a very unique ability to understand research and more importantly the potential value of research and determine if the potential results will have value to the cattle industry. He has played a very important role in identifying research needs of the industry and working with scientists to insure that the precious resources are used in a manner to benefit the U. S. cattlemen and the consumer.
Steven Kappes
Deputy Administrator, Office of National Programs
Animal Production and Portection
USDA – Agricultural Research Service
The "Godfather" of the Beef Industry Federation, Dave has served since the first board, is Past President and the "go-to guy" all look to ever since. His past and present direction to the Meat Animal Research Center and its academic partners is unique and compelling.
Glen Klippenstein
Industry leaders in animal sciences, veterinary medicine, breed associations, integrated production systems, branded beef programs, and government-interfacing organizations request Dave Nichols' wisdom.
Dr. Jerry Lipsey
J. Dave Nichols is an incredibly unique human being and a tremendous gift to the beef industry and all he touches.
Kathy LaScala
Past President
Livestock Publications Council
They are industry icons, heroes if your will, who set examples, stimulate, educate and lead us. David Nichols is another of that kind of person. Without question, his portrait deserves to be in the Saddle and Sirloin Club Gallery.
Bert L. Moore, Ph.D
Area Representative American Simmental Association
Dave's dedication and significant contributions to agriculture has made him an influential leader in the beef industry and he would be very deserving of this honor.
Bill Northey
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture
Dave Nichols is, in my mind, a perfect recipient for your prestigious award. He has the vision, he develops the strategy, he communicates most effectively to both staff and customers, and he, above all, strives to deliver a better product, more efficiently to his customer and hence, the consumer.
Nancy Pellett
Prairie Hills Farm
My experiences with Dave Nichols began in the early 1970's, some 40 years ago! During that time, I have grown to have great respect for Dave as a person, industry leader, cattle breeder, marketing specialist, and creative thinker.
Travis D. "Dusty" Rich
4-R Cattle
Dave Nichols has been a pioneer, a trailblazer, an entrepreneur and advocate. His selection for the induction into the Saddle and Sirloin Club would enrich the great tradition of honoring the significant, historical and influential leaders of the livestock industry.
William H. Rishel
Rishel Angus
Whether it is the genetics that have been used, the visitors to the farm in Iowa, the programs where he has spoken or he influence of the tools that have been developed under his guidance and leadership, Dave Nichols is a man who has made an impact on the beef industry.
Don Trimmer, Jr.
Director of Beef Programs
Accelerated Genetics